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Mobile Alabama Mardi Gras Museum. Before visiting the museum I believed mardi gras to be nothing but a big party. However, I discovered the garish nature of this southern institution. Seems that southern societies proclaims a mardi gras king and queen. There are up to 25 societies. Being chosen as a king or queen is deemed an honour. It may cost the family of the king and queen up to $200,000 to pay for the ragalia and parties involved. A mardi gras king or queen may be set up for life in society. It is a great thing to place on your CV.
However I saw it as a remnant of the Southern class system looking after the right families and old money. I found the robes and paraphernalia assosciated with the festivals garish and over the top. The extravagance placed on the festival is disturbing considering the poverty present in Alabama.
This was a model where you can pose as King or queen.